Organize Your Computer Desktop with Fences

In this post, I explain how you can use Fences software to organize your computer desktop.
Most accountants like organization, yet I often see total chaos on computer monitors.
A typical CPA’s screen looks like this.
We’d be much better off if our desktops looked like this.
Creating Order on Your Desktop
So how can you bring order to your desktop?
Use Fences. The cost is $9.99, but well worth the iconic bliss.
Once the Fences software is downloaded, you simply right-click and drag on your screen to create a new fence (see below). Above you see a fence titled “Programs.” You can arrange the icons in whatever order you wish. To add an icon to a fence, you simply drag it to the desired location.
Once you arrange your icons, they stay that way. When you reboot yourย computer the next morning, you’ll find your icons in the same order.ย
Fences Software YouTube Video
Here’s a video that provides additional information about the Fences software:
My Experience with Fences Software
I’ve used Fences for about ten years and have found it useful. I recommend it.
Other Office Suggestions
For helpful ideas in setting up your physical office, click here.