Accountant’s iPad: My Favorite Computer

Today I discuss an accountant’s iPad.
Accountants use all types of electronic devices and software: Caseware, Excel, scanners, Powerpoint, Adobe Acrobat, monitors, QuickBooks, iPhones—just to name a few. For me, the iPad tops them all.
I purchased my first iPad about six years ago for about $500. Then, four years ago, I bought a second one. A year ago I picked up my third. Now, having spent hundreds of hours on iPads, I am smitten.
You may be thinking, “Charles, you’re a CPA. How do you and why do you spend that much time on an iPad? Don’t you primarily use a desktop computer?” Yes, my work computer is my primary tool. But in terms of enjoyment, the iPad wins hands down.
Accountant’s iPad
“How do you use it?” you say. Here are few ways:
- Create presentations using Keynote
- Store and retrieve files using Evernote and Dropbox
- Read the Wall Street Journal
- Read the Bible
- Read my Amazon Kindle books
- Listen to books with my Audible app
- Listen to music on Pandora
- Write blog posts using Scrivener
- Perform research using Checkpoint
- Check the weather using The Weather Channel app
- Check my email using Outlook
- Maintain my to-do list using Omnifocus
- Check my Facebook account (including my CPA Hall Talk Facebook group—you can join)
- Send and receive text messages using Messages
- Send and receive sensitive information using Box
- Doodle using Paper
- Watch college football using Hulu
- Create mind maps using iThoughts
- Create outlines using OmniOutliner
- Control my home thermostat using Nest
- Check my bank account
- Learn new skills using Learning from Linkedin
- Scan information using Scanbot
- See where my wife is using Find Friends
- See how many new blog subscribers I have using ConvertKit (subscribe below)
- Check my calendar using Fantastical
- Watch movies (I use an Apple TV device)
As you can see an accountant’s iPad is a powerful tool.
Convenience and Portability
Mostly, I use my iPad at home, seated on my couch. The portability of the device is its primary benefit. It’s large enough to read from and work on—and small enough to take wherever I go.
Your Favorite Device
So what’s your favorite tool and how do you use it?
Here are my favorite iPad apps.
Charles –
Thanks for the great post. You’ve gotten me wanting to invest in an iPad! Do you use your iPad to take notes when meeting with clients?
Thanks for all the great info you share!
– Curt