New SSARS Book – Second Edition

By Charles Hall | Preparation, Compilation & Review

Jan 07

Are you looking for preparation of financial statement assistance? How about compilation engagement guidance? If you are a CPA that provides these services, you'll find help in the second edition of my book: Preparation of Financial Statements and Compilation Engagements.

Purpose of the Book

CPAs create and issue financial statements. In doing so, they follow Statement on Standards for Accounting and Review Services (SSARS), including AR-70 (Preparation of Financial Statements) and AR-80 (Compilation Engagements). But in doing so, they run into questions such as:

  • Can I issue financial statements without a compilation report?
  • What is the difference between a preparation engagement and a compilation engagement?
  • Which basis of accounting can I use?
  • What disclosures are required?
  • Can I include supplementary information with financial statements?
  • Who can use the financial statements?
  • What documents are necessary for the engagement file?
  • Is an engagement letter required?
  • Must I be independent?
  • What actions commonly impair independence?
  • Is a peer review required if I perform preparation and compilation services?

To help you answer these questions and many others, I have updated my book (2nd edition): Preparation of Financial Statements and Compilation Engagements.

It's an easy-to-understand reference book for those of you performing preparation and compilation engagements.

SSARS book

Praise for the Book

Here's what CPAs are saying about the book:

Charles is a master at illustrating and contrasting preparation and compilation engagements and pointing out potential pitfalls to be aware of. Much more user-friendly and applicable to the small-firm practitioner than the big-ticket reference manuals. 
Don Vieira, CPA
 Centinel Pacific Accounting, LLC
Wasilla, Alaska

I recommend this book be a part of your guidance materials used when preparing financial statements or performing a compilation under the Statements on Standards for Accounting and Review Services. 
Mike Brand, CPA, CGMA
BMSS Advisors & CPAs
Huntsville, Alabama

In Preparation of Financial Statements and Compilation Engagements, Charles provides practitioners with an easy-to-reference manual on the best practices around preparation and compilation engagements. This easy-to-read book will help practitioners ensure they are meeting the standards. 
Melisa F. Galasso, CPA, CSP, CPTD
CEO, Galasso Learning Solutions

Get the New SSARS Book

The book is available on Amazon in a Kindle or paperback format. 

Check it out here.

Compilation book

About the Author

Charles Hall is a practicing CPA and Certified Fraud Examiner. For the last thirty-five years, he has primarily audited governments, nonprofits, and small businesses. He is the author of The Little Book of Local Government Fraud Prevention, The Why and How of Auditing, Audit Risk Assessment Made Easy, and Preparation of Financial Statements & Compilation Engagements. He frequently speaks at continuing education events. Charles consults with other CPA firms, assisting them with auditing and accounting issues.
